Adaptive strategic consulting


Adaptive Strategic Planning

Adaptive Strategic Planning creates a decision-making framework that helps organizations become nimble enough to compete over time as rapid shifts occur in the external environment. Broad and thought-provoking strategic options are considered, driven by a process that challenges organizational assumptions and envisions disruption. A resilient, future-focused adaptive planning process results in an accelerated strategic posture with alternatives that manage risk across multiple futures, a roadmap for developing the future core competencies to be successful and a deeper understanding of potential profit pools.

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Competitive Anticipation

Competitive Anticipation seeks to pressure test strategy and tactics in a highly interactive role-playing experience. Placing leaders and teams in the mindset of the competition can illuminate critical strategies and bring clarity on near-term decisions that are needed to win in the current and future market. The resulting competitive playbooks along with the simulation will prepare individuals and organizations to rapidly respond to shifts and act with foresight instead of constantly reacting to the marketplace.


Strategic Intent

Strategic Intent provides enhanced clarity on fundamental strategic choices across functions and teams that, taken together, form an unwavering commitment to strategic direction that is resilient to environmental and competitive shocks. This intervention results in an explicit mapping out of and alignment on the organization’s shared vision, highest impact decisions and critical pathway to achieving its mission.

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Dynamic Leadership Retreat

The Dynamic Leadership Retreat is a powerful, targeted approach to facilitating strategic dialogue, building alignment, and informing meaningful business decisions at the highest levels of your business. Our approach stretches the limits of how your leadership team perceives its market environment by looking at your business from the outside in. Through this process, your team will uncover new opportunities, ideas, and strategies, all grounded in a forward-thinking view that guides the most critical decisions facing the organization today. No matter the change in your industry, someone will ultimately emerge a winner – the Dynamic Strategy Retreat can help you to be the organization that ends up on top.